Class BoardAWTAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • BoardAWTAdapter

        public BoardAWTAdapter​(java.awt.Component target,
                               boolean strictThreadControl,
                               AudioClipSource audioSource)
        The Component input to the constructors must pass user key/mouse events to this module via the object returned by getInputListenerHook(). This is part of the contract between BoardAWTAdapter and java.awt.Component.
        See Also:
      • BoardAWTAdapter

        public BoardAWTAdapter​(java.awt.Component target,
                               boolean strictThreadControl,
                               AudioClipSource audioSource,
                               int maxFramesPerSecond)
        maxFramesPerSecond - maximum frames per second; a value of zero or a negative value is interpreted to mean no FPS limit.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getAudioClip

        public java.applet.AudioClip getAudioClip​(java.lang.String resourceName)
        Implements the required audio clip getting ability.
        Specified by:
        getAudioClip in interface AudioClipSource
      • getInputListenerHook

        public InputListener getInputListenerHook()
        The java.awt.Componenet that is coupled with this BoardAWTAdapter must call the InputListener methods on the object returned by getInputListenerHook() directly, in order to pass user key/mouse events on to the registered InputListener objects. In other words each call to the returned InputListener's methods will result in respective calls to registered InputListener objects.